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Cleared For Takeoff

Kansas City, Nashville, Oshkosh here we come! Tomor­row July 20th 2011 we embark on Al and Jim­my’s excel­lent sum­mer air­ven­ture.  Our minds filled with a gar­gan­tu­an ware­house full of gui­tars in Kansas City, enjoy­ing time with pre­cious friends in Nashville, soak­ing in the sights and sounds of Sum­mer NAMM, savor­ing the Nashville night life, doing “church” … Con­tin­ue read­ing »

Categories: 2011, July 2011, Nashville, Tn July 2011, Oshkosh, Wi July 2011, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Kick the Tires and Light the Fires!

Anoth­er Mile­stone for N104AL Today was a mile­stone event for N104AL RV-10: after a near­ly sev­en-year build, she com­plet­ed her FAA required 40-hour flight tests. So, what does that mean? Well, for the first 40 hours of flight of any air­craft — in this case an exper­i­men­tal air­craft — the FAA requires all flights to be: 1) … Con­tin­ue read­ing »

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