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Cleared For Takeoff

Posted by on July 19, 2011

Kansas City, Nashville, Oshkosh here we come!

Tomor­row July 20th 2011 we embark on Al and Jim­my’s excel­lent sum­mer air­ven­ture.  Our minds filled with a gar­gan­tu­an ware­house full of gui­tars in Kansas City, enjoy­ing time with pre­cious friends in Nashville, soak­ing in the sights and sounds of Sum­mer NAMM, savor­ing the Nashville night life, doing “church” south­ern style, more sights and sounds in Oshkosh — this time air­planes, and stuff we don’t even know about (the best part)

First, we have to get there!  That usu­al­ly turns out to be the real adven­ture — filled with aer­i­al splen­dor, tur­bu­lence, weath­er watch­ing, nav­i­gat­ing, more tur­bu­lence, fuel stops to places we’ve nev­er even heard of, and like­ly unplanned re-rout­ing or even unplanned stops along the way.

Aside from any unfore­seen devi­a­tions, here is “The Flightplan”:

enroute 7-20-11

Last minute prepa­ra­tions:  the RV-10 is ready, almost.  Today we rein­stall the Autopi­lot, test fly and recal­i­brate it.  The tip fuel tanks are being timed and cal­i­brat­ed.  Last­ly, more pro­gram­ing of way­points into the flight­plan, and cre­at­ing more legs.  Hope­ful­ly all this air­plane prep stuff stops soon so I can pack for the trip!

Ded­i­ca­tion.  We are ded­i­cat­ing the leg between Kansas City and Nashville to our pre­cious sis­ter Tam­my Hodge, who under­went surgery yes­ter­day.  Please join us in pray­ing for her com­fort, and a swift full recov­ery.  We love you Tam­my, and will see you real­ly soon:)

Updates.  I hope to do dai­ly blog updates, with pho­tos and anec­dotes as we progress our way into this air­ven­ture.  With temps in the 50’s and 60’s here at home, it will be a shock enter­ing the heat­waves cur­rent­ly going on along our route.  Pack­ing plen­ty of water, apples (of course), mel­ons, and plan on fly­ing high!

That’s it for now — time to pack — this air­ven­ture starts at 4:30am tomor­row!  Keep your comm radio tuned to Air­BorneA­gain for more updates.

Over and out,



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