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Camel power? Far from it!

Posted by on June 28, 2011

Noth­ing real­ly here to read — yet.  Except, click on the About page above and you will see what we’re up to.

Mean­while, no we’re not head­ing towards the pyra­mids in Egypt on a camel — but soon we will be head­ing to Nashville Ten­nessee (depart July 20) to vis­it friends Brent & Tami Hodge and fam­i­ly (Kass, Koda) and Alece — our “sis­ter from anoth­er mister”.

While in Nashville — we will attend the annu­al sum­mer NAMM music show — I just can’t stay away from them:)

Speak­ing of can’t stay away — after all that we fly up to Oshkosh Wis­con­sin for the annu­al EAA Oshkosh Air­ven­ture show — largest air­show in the world!  Near­ly a mil­lion peo­ple from all over the world attend this week long event.

What — no camel? Nope.  We’ll be speed­ing along in the new Van’s RV-10 high-per­for­mance air­craft that has been under con­struc­tion since the Wright Broth­ers invent­ed flight (okay, it’s only been 6 years, but feels like forever).

Who is we? We is me, and my good friend, fel­low musi­cian and wor­ship leader Jim­my Durham.  Still try­ing to fig­ure out how to cram two gui­tars into the cock­pit so we can play along with the in-flight Sir­ius music — while Otto (pilot) is at the controls.

So, stand­by and keep your comm radio tuned as we pre­pare for this high­ly antic­i­pat­ed flight in July — we’ll post pho­tos of all the places between here and there — both on the ground and in the air (did I men­tion the Rocky Moun­tains are awe­some this time of year?)

We’ll even send a link to FlightAware so you can see where we are, how fast we’re going (real­ly fast!), cur­rent alti­tude, and ETA of each leg as we progress.

So, fas­ten your seat belt and tight­en up the strap — this air­ven­ture is about to begin soon!

Kickin’ the tires and Light­in’ the fires,


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