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Wel­come to Air­Bor­nA­gain!

This blog is under construction.

You are cur­rent­ly on the About page, which tells you who we are, where we are, where we’re going, how we’re get­ting there, and what we’re up to:


This is your cap­tain speaking…

Who:  Al Dinar­di — cer­ti­fied pri­vate pilot with around 2,700 hours of flight time over a 21 year period.

Rat­ings and cer­ti­fi­ca­tions include SEL, IFR, high-per­for­mance sin­gle-engine pis­ton air­craft, tail-wheel cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, retractable cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, and a few oth­er cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and awards not inter­est­ing enough to mention.

Home base air­port is Rogue Val­ley Inter­na­tion­al (KMFR).

Pri­ma­ry air­craft (from recent to oldest):

N104AL Van’s RV-10 Spe­cial Edi­tion exper­i­men­tal 4‑place — fast, roomy, high-tech equipped

N36AL Van’s RV‑8 2‑place high-per­for­mance aer­o­bat­ic tail wheel air­craft — too much fun

N9836C Cess­na R182 Sky­lane retractable 4‑place — the “fam­i­ly mini­van” for 16 years — sold

The Pre­flight page shows when and where we are get­ting ready to set our next course — includ­ing all the air­craft, pilot, and prepa­ra­tions as they progress

Cap­tain’s Log show a com­plete his­to­ry of all pilot in com­mand log entries

Flight­log pro­vides a reverse chrono­log­i­cal log of recent flights and events

Com­ing soon are pho­tos, posts, and com­ments.  We wel­come all feed­back, and if it is good we’ll even post ’em — oth­ers will be thrown over­board with­out para­chute.  Bet­ter yet, use the Con­tact Form below if you pre­fer send­ing a per­son­al email — would love to hear from you.

Keep your comm radio tuned to Air­BorneA­gain — much more to come!

Over and out


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