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N104AL — fast, sleek, smooth, fun 4‑place transportation





Year:  2011

Mod­el:  Van’s RV-10 Spe­cial Edition

Type:  4‑place, sin­gle-engine, low-wing, high-per­for­mance mono plane

Gear:  fixed, nose wheel

Flight Con­trols:  stick

Engine:  296hp Bar­rett-built Lycoming I0-540, fuel inject­ed, cold-air induc­tion, Light­Speed dual elec­tron­ic ignition

Pro­peller:  MT 3‑blade composite



N36AL RV‑8 — one fast, sweet roller-coast­er ride!



Year:  2000

Mod­el:  Van’s RV‑8

Type:  2‑place, sin­gle-engine, low-wing, high-per­for­mance aer­o­bat­ic mono plane

Gear: fixed, tail wheel

Flight Con­trols:  stick

Engine:  200hp Lycoming I0-360 angle valve, fuel inject­ed, Lasar elec­tron­ic ignition

Pro­peller:  Hartzell 2‑blade aluminum



Jen­nifer & Jeff — Angel Flight lung transplant

N9836C crusty pilot with sweet Bekkah




Year:  1978

Mod­el:  Cess­na 182RG

Type:  4‑place, sin­gle-engine, high-wing, high-per­for­mance mono plane

Gear: retractable, nose wheel

Flight Con­trols:  yoke

Engine:  235hp Lycoming I0-540, car­bu­ret­ed, mag­ne­to ignition

Pro­peller:  Hartzell 2‑blade aluminum

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