Aviation Alphabet: Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X‑ray Yankee Zulu
Affirmative = Yes
AP = Auto Pilot
ATC = Air Traffic Control
ATIS = Automatic Terminal Information Service
DH = Decision Height
ETD = Estimated Time of Departure
ETE = Estimated Time Enroute
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
GPS = Global Positioning System (satellite)
GS = Glideslope
GUMPPS = Landing checklist: Gas on both (fullest tank), Undercarriage down and locked, Mixture rich, Prop set, Power set, Safety (seat belts)
Ident = Request for pilot to activate the transponder identification feature
IFR = Instrument Flight Rules
ILS = Instrument Landing System
MAP = Missed Approach Point
MEL = Multi Engine Land
Negative = No
Niner = Nine
No Joy = Can’t see the traffic
Roger = I understand
SEL = Single Engine Land
S.O.B. = Souls On Board
Squak = Activate transponder code
Talley Ho = traffic, runway, etc. is in site
Transponder = Device that broadcasts radar data
VFR = Visual Flight Rules