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Avi­a­tion Alpha­bet: Alpha Bra­vo Char­lie Delta Echo Fox­trot Golf Hotel India Juli­et Kilo Lima Mike Novem­ber Oscar Papa Que­bec Romeo Sier­ra Tan­go Uni­form Vic­tor Whiskey X‑ray Yan­kee Zulu

Affir­ma­tive = Yes

AP = Auto Pilot

ATC = Air Traf­fic Control

ATIS = Auto­mat­ic Ter­mi­nal Infor­ma­tion Service

DH = Deci­sion Height

ETD = Esti­mat­ed Time of Departure

ETE = Esti­mat­ed Time Enroute

ETA = Esti­mat­ed Time of Arrival

GPS = Glob­al Posi­tion­ing Sys­tem (satel­lite)

GS = Glideslope

GUMPPS = Land­ing check­list:  Gas on both (fullest tank), Under­car­riage down and locked, Mix­ture rich, Prop set, Pow­er set, Safe­ty (seat belts)

Ident = Request for pilot to acti­vate the transpon­der iden­ti­fi­ca­tion feature

IFR = Instru­ment Flight Rules

ILS = Instru­ment Land­ing System

MAP = Missed Approach Point

MEL = Mul­ti Engine Land

Neg­a­tive = No

Nin­er = Nine

No Joy = Can’t see the traffic

Roger = I understand

SEL = Sin­gle Engine Land

S.O.B. = Souls On Board

Squak = Acti­vate transpon­der code

Tal­ley Ho = traf­fic, run­way, etc. is in site

Transpon­der = Device that broad­casts radar data

VFR = Visu­al Flight Rules


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